The Beauty Of Caring For Each Other And Mother Earth
Stemming from Aruna Botanicals skin-care line are branches, projects that support the wholeness of this Earth and its people.
Our visions of this tree includes organizations such as YFAM (Yoga for all Movement) that brings yoga and meditation into juvenile detention centers. We are also working on a release program that offers incarcerated youth a support structure upon leaving the detention system. This program provides these juveniles access to yoga classes, life-coaching, dog training therapy as well as connecting with the healing power of nature in mentorship placements.
We want to use Aruna Botanicals as a way to support and connect all of life. Aruna offers a self care, skin care brand that contributes, in practical ways, to the uplifting and caring for communities in need. By purchasing an Aruna Botanicals product, we directly give 30% of our profits to ensure that your choice to care for yourself creates an actual ripple through humanity.